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Providing the Assisted PPC team with peace of mind.

Assisted Agency

The Business

Leicester based Assisted are a unique collective of expertise, people, skills, talent.

Assisted are a unique collective of expertise, people, skills, talent. They don’t conform to the tired formula of brand values to tell the world who we are (and who we’re not).


Assisted know who they are, and they’ve built a successful business on that basis.

Assisted pride themselves and giving their customers the time and attention needed to fully understand their ambitions, allowing the creations of a strategy designed specifically to suit their needs.

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Assisted Team

The Challenge

75+ Paid Ad accounts across 4 paid media channels

Assisted manage around 75 paid accounts across various paid ad channels including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter & LinkedIn. They wanted to deliver maximum efficiencies for their clients and ensure they were capturing all available conversions by reducing any underspend, whilst simultaneously making sure overspend doesn’t occur.


Previous methods of manually extracting data and updating internal spreadsheets was extremely laborious and time-consuming work, they felt that this time could be better spent focusing on delivering results for their clients.

Amy Eburne Headshot

“Pacr upped our game when it comes to managing our paid accounts”

“The main reason we moved to Pacr was to save time on tracking budget & spend while upping our game on how we manage our paid accounts on behalf of our clients. The alerts provide useful insights into spending and the additional performance metrics allows us to see deeper context on what is happening with the budgets.”

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8 Hours

Saved every week !

The Solution

Staying up-to date with all spend & budgets via informative alerts and hourly data updates

The PPC  & Paid Social team from Assisted signed-up for the Pacr 14 day free trial and went on-to set-up a large section of the trackers they required in order to test the appropriateness of the software.

It quickly became apparent that Pacr was the perfect tool for them as it automated the process of extracting and presented the spend data needed to oversee spend vs budget management.


The team now keep up-to date with the spend and budgets across all their client accounts via hourly updates and informative alerts.

Amy Eburne - Assisted PPC Lead

Get started today with a 14 day free trial, no card required, up-and-running in 2 mins!